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As a general rule for growing medical herbs, you definitely know that they are all safe to consume, depending on the quantity, right? But is it still the case when we talk about all these different flowers you grow in the back of your...

If you have experienced assault and aggression of your colleagues, coworkers or roommates, then this set of courses and tutorials devoted to self-defense is worth paying your attention to.

Bradley Roberts

Self-defense is of great importance for every member of modern society aged 12 and older. While 10 years ago we could only visit training or courses about self-defense measures in specialized centers, today it is not necessary to pay money to specialists if you have the desire to train your self-defense skills. Various tutorials on The Web are designed to help you deal with your fear of assaulter and give you necessary recommendations of preventing traumas in case of unavoidable attack.
Our business partner Bradley Roberts is the licensed provider of self-defense training services. He is also widely known for offering effective tutorials, some of which you can find on the Internet and download for free.

Bradley has recently designed a special self-defense tutorial course that will help you deal with prevailing issues of assault, avoid panicking and raise your confidence.

Here's what this course includes and what you will learn with benefit from it:

  1. Theory of self-defense and basics of various defense techniques;
  2. Famous defense technique of Brandon Roberts - combining elements of martial arts for self-defense with practical training;
  3. Developing your self-confidence and eliminating your fear of unknown people as well as various threat sources.

This course of tutorials is available exclusively to anyone who subscribes to our newsletter (and it's absolutely free). Every tutorial video is fully downloadable via our website.




How It All Started...

September 24, 2022

The state of global healthcare and medicine has a real set of problems of its own. That's when the love millions of people have for growing & consuming herbs of all types and medicinal properties comes in handy.

Having been known for over three decades as the most prominent club for people with love for herbs, we will be super happy to provide you all with some tips & training in this craft.

The team of experienced pros we have at hand only adds to the quality of our club as a whole.


As a general rule for growing medical herbs, you definitely know that they are all safe to consume, depending on the quantity, right? But is it still the case when we talk about all these different flowers you grow in the back of your...

If you have experienced assault and aggression of your colleagues, coworkers or roommates, then this set of courses and tutorials devoted to self-defense is worth paying your attention to.

Bradley Roberts

Self-defense is of great importance for every member of modern society aged 12 and older. While 10 years ago we could only visit training or courses about self-defense measures in specialized centers, today it is not necessary to pay money to specialists if you have the desire to train your self-defense skills. Various tutorials on The Web are designed to help you deal with your fear of assaulter and give you necessary recommendations of preventing traumas in case of unavoidable attack.
Our business partner Bradley Roberts is the licensed provider of self-defense training services. He is also widely known for offering effective tutorials, some of which you can find on the Internet and download for free.

Bradley has recently designed a special self-defense tutorial course that will help you deal with prevailing issues of assault, avoid panicking and raise your confidence.

Here's what this course includes and what you will learn with benefit from it:

  1. Theory of self-defense and basics of various defense techniques;
  2. Famous defense technique of Brandon Roberts - combining elements of martial arts for self-defense with practical training;
  3. Developing your self-confidence and eliminating your fear of unknown people as well as various threat sources.

This course of tutorials is available exclusively to anyone who subscribes to our newsletter (and it's absolutely free). Every tutorial video is fully downloadable via our website.




Are You Looking to Turn  Your Herbal Hobby Into a Day Job?

Either of Our Courses Will Help You Do Just That!

Herbal Medicine Courses


September 21, 2022

While it may surprise you, there are thousands of folks across the US who are deep into growing medical herbs. As the biggest club for that matter, we'll be glad to teach you do that!



Address: 4578 Marmora Road, Glasgow, D04 89GR

Phones: (800) 123-0045

E-mail: info@demolink.org

We are open: Mn-Fr: 10 am-8 pm